Job Seekers

I’m Bob Moore and I’m a 25 year I.T. recruiter. I accelerate the careers of top performers by introducing them to the best opportunities

You can reach me most days including weekends 818 704 7722 from 8 – 7:30 PST except Mon and Wed from 8 – 4:45
This is LAND LINE so don’t text me. Email me with subject line your title (e.g. SAP FI CO, Java Programmer, etc.) or call.

How to increase your chances for interviews and job offers
* All you have to do is read this information on this website

how to earn 
Referral Fees – this is the easiest money you will ever make

I have a career opportunities with my clients. Are you open to something that might be better than what you have now?

Never quit a job without having another one. When a manager is choosing between two applicants and everything is equal except one is employed and one is unemployed, they always go with the one that is employed.

 Linkedin Tips
* Check your
Linkedin profile matches your resume – potential employers will
* If you have your work history on Linkedin it should be the same as your resume
* Linkedin should be an overview of your strengths
of your professional skills and experience, how you add value to the team.
E.g. Develop solutions that save time or money. Make a positive contribution to the company culture.
* Under summary
add additional information that’s not on your resume like your Unique Selling Proposition (3-5 top selling points)
* List several key accomplishments

* Add resume
using an application box called,
* Recommendations
– The more the better, especially from supervisors from recent jobs